
Evangelist Nathan Dorrell is setting minds on things above! Through his champion juggling skills and their family’s skills, they help others set their mind on Christ and the things of God! They travel the US, Canada and the world to share Jesus. His family juggles, unicycles and walks on stilts while He shares the Good News of Jesus. Your church will be captivated by the Good News as Nathan shares from God’s Word while juggling.

Nathan and his wife Kathy began Reflecting The Truth Ministries in 2002 in order to increase their mission work and help more ministers and missionaries reach the world for Christ. You can help us in several ways:

  1. Have us to your church. We usually do special events and outreaches or lead worship time with our gifts.
  2. Pray for us. We know God answers prayers and we can do nothing without Jesus…so pray that His power is evident and active in all that we do.
  3. Download and print our latest Gospel Conversation tool to help you share Jesus! Please join us sharing Jesus with the world! We have several gospel tools to help you share!

These are our kids in 2024 at our oldest daughter’s wedding:

The Dorrell family has taken their God given talents and ministered on mission in Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Poland, Germany, S.E. Asia, the Philippines and other countries to share Jesus.  Their family also performs and shares the gospel at church events throughout the US.  They would be a great choice to bring to your church for a family night, VBS, camp, fall festival, creative worship service, or any event where you want fun and the Gospel. Join us and also pray for the missions, missionaries and ministries that our ministry supports. Here is one of the missionaries that we help through RTTM: Robin Cabasin

RTTM has also teamed up with missionary Robin Cabasan–missionary to Malawi and the Philippines.  We raised funds to put a roof on the church in Malawi and to purchase a vehicle for the church’s ministry use there.  Our next goal is a roof for the mission house (house next to the church) and a generator to run electricity.  All US donations to Robin’s ministry can be made out to Reflecting The Truth Ministries with “Missionary Robin Cabasan” in the memo line.  You can also contact Robin directly here, he is sent by Open Door Baptist Church in Bangued, ABRA, Philippines and partnered with Reflecting the Truth Ministries: missionaryrobin@myyahoo.com 

Let’s connect family with the Gospel and help them be the catalyst for spreading the Gospel in their circle of influence.  The Dorrell family helps connect families with the gospel through their engaging juggling and creative fun.  They also give everyone an easy way to begin sharing the gospel.  Help us fix the world–have us come share at your church!





some of these videos are getting a little old…but sorry….I’m not great about making new videos.  Our kids are 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20 and 22 now…


The Dorrell family works together to spread the Gospel around the world!  They juggle, walk on stilts and unicycle to take kids and families to new heights of faith!  Nathan’s artwork is also an amazing part of their Gospel presentations!  Hosting the Dorrell family is an amazing opportunity for your church or ministry!

They are based in middle Tennessee, but travel sharing the Good News all across the US, Canada and around the world!

BOOK their ministry today for your next outreach-style event:

text or call 931-563-2330


Meet Nathan and family

Nathan is an ordained minister, graduate of SWBTS in Fort Worth with his MDiv in Missions and Evangelism.  Most importantly God saved Nathan when he was 18 years old.  A college student cared enough to invite Nathan to a Christian concert.  It was a Truth concert and he heard the Gospel for the first time that it impacted him.  He was convicted of his sins–though he had been a Baptist church member–he had lived like the world and his sins were many.  God’s Spirit convicted him and humbled him that night and Nathan repented of his sins and gave his life to Christ–recognizing that it wasn’t much to give–but a filthy mess.  God took that filthy mess and washed him clean and made him a new creation!  Nathan began to follow Jesus as Lord of his life and he has been forever changed.  He began doing mission work soon after and has been lead to continue missions and evangelism as the course of his life’s work and dedication to the Lord.

Because of the affects of COVID on the church and the difficulty in being a full-time evangelist, Nathan has also accepted several part-time ministry positions.  He currently also serves as part-time campus minister at Motlow State Community College BCM and as part-time director of Children at his church, Edgemont Baptist in Shelbyville, TN.  Though Nathan has been committed to the Lord within a Baptist church since his salvation, he is passionate about sharing the simple gospel of Jesus in any and every protestant church or ministry location.  He also wants to see his Baptist church members become more passionate and committed to Jesus and help them overcome lukewarm, unconverted church membership…something he had experienced as a Baptist church member before being saved.

Their whole family is ready to help your church members and guests understand God’s plan for their life!  We have seven children! Graham, Abigail, Joy, Esther, Elijah, Isaac, Joseph.   One is married and two are full-time in college.  God has blessed us for the purpose of blessing you and your church.  It is actually more amazing for your families to see a family working together for the Gospel!  It’s more amazing for them to see kids with their parents working hard to spread the Good News!  We have learned that our kids are a big part of our minsitry success because God has blessed us for staying together to share His Word as much as we can. We hope our family can come soon and share with your church family.